If you would like to have the vehicle profiles shown on our website in booklet form, you can obtain a copy from us by mail order for just £5 post-free.

The illustrated profiles explain how each bus is representative of its type, and describe its history in service and in preservation.

The 16 page booklet also includes information about the Trust and how you can get involved as a volunteer.

Send your order, along with a cheque for £5 payable to ‘Devon General Omnibus Trust’, to:

Devon General Omnibus Trust, 22 Sandstone Road, Swindon SN25 2FE

Alternatively, email your order to enquiries@dgot.org.uk and we will provide you with our bank details so that you can pay direct to our bank account.

Every copy sold helps to support our work in looking after our collection of Devon General buses!


Posted 4th August 2024